Civics is Sexy Workshop

On Sept. 8, Brown Girl Surf co-hosted our first Civics is Sexy workshop, along with Surfrider Foundation and Levi Strauss & Co. In this free, all-day workshop, participants were able to break down the barriers of civic engagement by learning how to create change around issues they care about. We heard from inspirational speakers, learned how to make phone calls to local representatives (it’s really easy!) and how to prepare written and oral testimonies.

Although public speaking can be uncomfortable, we provided a safe space where everyone is accepted for who they are and valued for their own unique contributions. As a result, every single participant crafted their own testimony on an issue they specifically cared about, and was able to practice delivering it in front of real commissioners. The commissioners gave individualized feed back for each participant - both in terms of content and delivery. Through the workshop and the amazing participation, attendees are now prepared to put their newly developed skills into practice!  

Huge thanks to Jamila Hubbard (Levis employee and a current Brown Girl Surf volunteer), Jennifer Savage (Surfrider), and the Change the World grant at Levi Strauss & Co. for making this event possible!